You are eligible to be a host physician in the Rural Specialist Locum Program (RSLP) if you:
- Maintain Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) specialty certification or are a non-certified specialist with equivalent recognized training in one of the designated core specialties, and eligible to write the qualifying exams.
- Practise full-time in an eligible Rural Practice Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) community with less than 5 physicians in that specialty.
- Maintain hospital privileges in the rural community and actively provide specialty on-call services in either: anesthesia, general surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics, orthopedics, pediatrics, psychiatry, or radiology.
- Practise more than 70 km from a major medical centre where specialists provide similar specialty services.
You may request up to 35 days coverage per fiscal year if you have resided and practised in one of the designated core specialty categories for a minimum of 9 months of the year in an eligible community.
Each request must be a minimum of 2 days.
Note: If you practise in a community that is not part of the RSA, you are not eligible for the RSLP. Contact Health Match BC to determine your eligability to post your locum vacancy on their website.
Host Physician/Clinic Forms
- RSLP Request for Rural GP Locum Assistance
If you are a registered Host Physician or Clinic, please submit your locum request electronically through the system by logging into your account.
If you are NOT yet registered as a Host Physician or Clinic, please contact the Locum Office via email at to set up an account.